All EU-CONEXUS EENVIRO 2024 participants please register using the following information:

Registration fee researchers*: 300 EURO

Registration fee young researchers (under the age of 35)*: 200 EURO

Registration fee researchers UTCB / EU-CONEXUS (only for EU-CONEXUS Consortium – UTCB as well): 0 EURO

Registration fee PhD students CONEXUS (only for EU-CONEXUS Consortium – UTCB as well): 0 EURO (only if the PhD student is first author)

Second / Additional paper: 100 EURO

Companion**: 200 EURO

*Each registered participant is entitled to present and publish as a corresponding author or first author up to 2 (two) papers / extended abstracts – the first one included in the author’s registration fee, and an additional second paper at a fee of EUR 100. At least 1 (one) author per accepted paper must be registered and available to present it at the conference.
**Accompanying a duly registered regular participant or author (presenter).

Payment Details


Transfer payments

  • ASOCIATIA CENTER FOR ENERGY, RESILIENCE AND URBAN SYNERGIES – CERUS – București, str. Constantin Georgian, nr. 24, Sector 2, 021762, CIF 44716436
  • Bank: Unicredit Bank 
  • Agency: Bucuresti, Sucursala Aviatiei, 
  • Swift: BACXROBU
  • Bank account RON: RO20 BACX 0000 0022 3464 9000 
    (Plățile în România între entități românești se efectuează doar în moneda națională, RON)
  • Bank account EUR: RO90 BACX 0000 0022 3464 9001
  • Description: Registration fee EENVIRO 2024 for “name” “surname” (Paper ID)

In order to issue invoices, please send the complete invoicing data and proof of payment of the participation fee to

For issuing the invoice per legal entity (university, company, SRL, etc.), please send the entity name, address, and tax code.

To issue the invoice per individual, please send your full name, CNP and address.